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Translate voice - Translator (Talkao) v326 [PRO]

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FULL Translate voice - Translator (Talkao) v326 [PRO]

Post by srajawwal09 »

Translate voice - Translator (Talkao) v326 [PRO]
Requirements: 4.4 and up
Overview: You can hold a conversation in any language , with the help of voice translator, translating different texts and use the button to talk application.


Learn languages quickly and easily, speaks your language to translate from written or spoken in the language of your choice , more than 80 languages in text as Spanish English, French, German Italian, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and 44 languages spoken as those mentioned above and many others like Arabic, Danish, Dutch, Portuguese, Russian, Finnish, Indonesian, Turkish and Vietnamese.

Also corrects spelling, word suggestion, preserves the history with your latest translations, share texts directly to IM , social networking, mail, search engine, notes and other applications you have installed.

Talkao translate voice is able to translate voice into several language. you can use the voice recognition system and listen your translation as well. Talkao translate voice has word suggestion and spelling correction, spanish and english dictionary.

You can check all your translations in search history, get synonyms using the dictionary. Share text and audios to other apps.

What's New:
- Minor bugs fixed
- TranslateTalk improved
- New feature: Dark mode

PRO features unlocked
Debug Info Removed

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