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INFO Elite

Post by CoAdmin »

Dear Registered users,

Our forum ReleaseAPK has new feature called as Elite .
Also who want's to support ReleaseAPK for following reasons which is mentioned by Admin :
Admin wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:50 pm Running a forum community is not free, nor is it cheap. We have put together this Subscriptions feature in order to give back to those who financially support us so we can cover the costs of our server infrastructure, forum maintenance, etc...
We are also introducing this new Subscription feature that will benefit the whole community.
Can opt for Elite Subscription,
And hence support and experience Elite perk on ReleaseAPK.

To subscribe go here: ./groupsub/subs .

Kindly also read the details in Next Post :point_down: .
Elite is Coded by Dark❶ .

Enjoy :grin:

Regards. :thumbsup:

Note :
Subscription once made are not refundable.
By subscribing you agree to the ReleaseAPK Terms & Conditions.
All Rights Reserved by ReleaseAPK.
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INFO Elite Feature Details

Post by Dark❶ »

Dear Registered users,

This is to Inform you about the new Elite feature.
This is to be used by all Android Releasers as-per their requirements & choice to enable the specified Topic as Elite Topic for specific Time,
Which is Displayed & allowed to access for Elite Members Only.
Once the timer is Expired then it becomes as Ex-Elite Topic & get's Bumped where All Registered users can view it.
where :
1. Ex-Elite Topic = Disabled Elite Topic , just like any other Normal Topic.
2. Bumped = Change the posting time of Last/First Post of that topic to the time of Bump & move that topic to the top of that topic's forum/category.

There are two Elite User Groups :
  1. Elite Member.
    Levels of Elite Member-ship :
    1. Ban [ Banned from Viewing Elite Topic ]
    2. Elite Pro [ All Elite Donor Subscriber ]
    3. Elite Noble [ All Global moderators, Senior moderators & Junior moderators are given to Moderate Elite Topic ]
    4. Elite Prime [ All Administrators are given to Administrate Elite Topic ]
  2. Elite Wizard.
    Levels of Elite Wizard-ship :
    1. Elite Adept [ All Android Releasers are given to create Elite Topic ]
    2. Elite Magus [ All Global moderators, Senior moderators & Junior moderators are given to Moderate Elite Topic ]
    3. Elite Arch [ All Administrators are given to Administrate Elite Topic ]
EDIT : The main Idea of Elite Topic was given by Balatan, which he had proposed sometime at the end of 2017 .
He wanted something to protect his release for few hours from being stolen by other "copy cats" & "Bots" .
I then tremendously enhanced his Idea further and made this Elite System.
So thank you @Balatan . :heart_eyes: :grin: :thumbsup:

The Rules with regards to Elite Topic which is listed by CoAdmin that is required to be followed are here : ./viewtopic.php?p=100233#p100233

Kindly read the details in Next Post :point_down: .

Best Regards :thumbsup:
Last edited by Dark❶ on Mon Feb 03, 2020 2:14 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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INFO Re: Elite Feature Details

Post by Dark❶ »

Dear Registered users,

This is to Inform you about the new features in Elite System.

Elite System has it's own pages :
  1. Elite Overview Page : ./app.php/elite
    • Elite User Page : ./app.php/elite/user/mem
      1. For All : ./app.php/elite/user/mem/all
      2. For Pro : ./app.php/elite/user/mem/pro
      3. For Noble : ./app.php/elite/user/mem/noble
      4. For Prime : ./app.php/elite/user/mem/prime
    • Elite Wizard Page : ./app.php/elite/user/wiz
      1. For All : ./app.php/elite/user/wiz/all
      2. For Adept : ./app.php/elite/user/wiz/adept
      3. For Magus : ./app.php/elite/user/wiz/magus
      4. For Arch : ./app.php/elite/user/wiz/arch
    • Elite Topic Page : ./app.php/elite/topic
      1. For All : ./app.php/elite/topic/all
      2. For Active : ./app.php/elite/topic/active
      3. For Inactive : ./app.php/elite/topic/inactive
      4. The above pages can be used to access all Elite Topic made by All Elite Wizard.
      5. Also each Elite Wizard has their own Elite Topic Page accessible via their Profile.
    This can be accessed via the Quick links in Navigation Bar.

    EDIT : The Idea of listing together all the elite topics was given by Kirlif' .
    And then I just enhanced his Idea further and made all this extra stuff to realize this in Elite System.
    So thank you @Kirlif' . :heart_eyes: :grin: :thumbsup:

    Enjoy this featured Pages available in Elite System. :smile:

    Kindly read the details in Next Post :point_down: .

    Best Regards :thumbsup:
    Last edited by Dark❶ on Mon Feb 03, 2020 2:55 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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    INFO Re: Elite

    Post by Dark❶ »

    Dear Registered users,

    This is to Inform you about the new features in Elite System.

    With regards to this , the previous 2 post have been updated :
    1. ./viewtopic.php?p=100270#p100270
    2. ./viewtopic.php?p=101754#p101754
    Along with the changes mentioned in above 2 mentioned post ,
    following are the additional changes :
    • The Elite download links can only be seen by Elite members.
    • the above mentioned links changes every 1 minute.
    • If the above mentioned links gives an error,
      that's because you hit the link just the movement before the links got changed,
      so give a retry by refreshing.
    • Feeds for the all Elite topics are working , Just like the Normal topics.
    • The Elite download links in Feeds will behave similarly as mentioned above.
    Enjoy this featured Elite System. :grin:

    Best Regards :thumbsup:
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    INFO Restriction Imposed in Elite System

    Post by Dark❶ »

    Dear Registered users,

    This is to Inform you about the Restriction Imposed in Elite System.

    Some of our own Android Releasers & Android Uploaders leaked the Elite Topic Links to Public, they were either Banned Permanently or Removed from Team. :worried:

    So to be fair to Elite Donor & prevent any further Elite Leaks we disabled Elite access to all Team member which include Android Releasers & Android Uploaders , :sweat:
    except Administrators , Global moderators , Senior moderators & Junior moderators so that they can do the administration & moderation. :rolling_eyes:

    Now ,
    We will only allow Elite access to those who have subscribed via ./groupsub/subs & got Elite Donor
    Gift Elite access to Android Releasers & Android Uploaders , who has made plenty of Elite topics to support ReleaseAPK . :smile:

    Currently we have only given such Gift Elite access to Kirlif' , also with an exception even though he has only made just 200+ Elite topics , coz he supported ReleaseAPK with his Elite topics from the beginning also giving bug reports for Elite system. :grin: :gift:
    More details : ./viewtopic.php?t=94518 :information_source:

    Best Regards :thumbsup:
    Last edited by Dark❶ on Mon Mar 16, 2020 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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