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Elite Rules

Site Rules. Please check for Rules & Regulations once in a while. Keep yourself informed!
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INFO Elite Rules

Post by CoAdmin »

Dear Registered users,

With regards to Elite Feature following Rules need to be followed:
  1. For Everyone to be followed by both Registered users & UnRegistered members :
    1. Do not Defame or Discredit the ReleaseAPK for implementing & executing Elite Feature for this forum OR if you are Banned from viewing Elite Topic.
    2. Do not Harass or Defame or Discredit any Team members for implementing & executing Elite Feature for this forum OR if you are Banned from viewing Elite Topic.
    3. Respect Team members if you are Banned from viewing Elite Topic.
    4. Do not Harass any Android Releasers for making Elite Topic.
    5. Respect Android Releasers for making Elite Topic as-is.
    6. Do not ask or request or demand Android Releasers to decrease the Elite Topic Expiry time.
    7. All Rights Reserved by ReleaseAPK.
  2. For Elite Member of any Levels [Including but not limited to : Elite Pro, Elite Noble, Elite Prime] to be followed by all Registered users & UnRegistered members who has access to Elite Topic :
    1. Do not share the Elite Topic & it's content Until the time is Expired & it's available to All.
    2. Respect Android Releasers decision of Elite Topic.
    3. If found that any Elite User of any Levels has shared the Elite Topic & it's content before the Expiry time then that user will be Banned from Either ReleaseAPK OR from viewing Elite Topic.
    4. Do not Tease or Mock any User who can not access Elite Topic.
    5. All Rights Reserved by ReleaseAPK.
  3. For Elite Wizard of any Levels [Including but not limited to : Elite Adept, Elite Magus, Elite Arch] to be followed by all Registered users & UnRegistered members who has ability to create Elite Topic :
    1. Do not share the Elite Topic & it's content to Non-Elite Member Until the time is Expired & it's available to All.
    2. It's No use if the Elite Topic & it's content is shared before the Expiry time.
    3. Elite Topic has to be from the following, including but not limited to : [unlocked] , [patched] , [modded] , [premium] , ...etc...
      Optionally, can be app with over 4 stars rating on Google Play Store.
    4. Elite Topic has to NOT be from the following, including but not limited to : [PAID] , [FREE] , ...etc...
      In other words, Should NOT be untouched app.
    5. All Rights Reserved by ReleaseAPK.
I Hope you follow this Rules Unconditionally so that we & yourself are not in uncomfortable situation.

The Feature Details with regards to Elite Topic which is described by the code author Dark❶ is here : ./viewtopic.php?p=100270#p100270

Thanking you.

Regards from ReleaseAPK Team. :thumbsup:
Last edited by CoAdmin on Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:15 am, edited 4 times in total.
Reason: Rule Update !

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INFO Re: Elite Rules

Post by CoAdmin »

Dear Registered users,

With regards to Elite Feature Rules are Updated due to renewed Elite User System,
and need to be followed as mentioned in First Post of this Topic here : ./viewtopic.php?p=100233#p100233

Thanking you.

Regards from ReleaseAPK Team. :thumbsup:
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INFO Re: Elite Rules

Post by CoAdmin »

Dear Registered users,

With regards to Elite Feature,
Rules are Updated especially for Elite Wizard which including but not limited to Android Releasers,
and need to be followed as mentioned in First Post of this Topic here : ./viewtopic.php?p=100233#p100233.

The Updated parts are in section C for points 3 & 4, as follows :
CoAdmin wrote: Sat Jul 13, 2019 3:58 pm ...
  1. ...
  2. ...
  3. For Elite Wizard ... :
    1. ...
    2. ...
    3. Elite Topic has to be from the following, including but not limited to : [unlocked] , [patched] , [modded] , [premium] , ...etc...
      Optionally, can be app with over 4 stars rating on Google Play Store.
    4. Elite Topic has to NOT be from the following, including but not limited to : [PAID] , [FREE] , ...etc...
      In other words, Should NOT be untouched app.
    5. ...
Thanking you.

Regards from ReleaseAPK Team. :thumbsup:

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