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MosaLingua Medical English v10.51 [Paid]

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PAID MosaLingua Medical English v10.51 [Paid]

Post by srajawwal09 »

MosaLingua Medical English v10.51 [Paid]
Requirements: 4.0+
Overview: ★ Learn medical English quickly, simply and efficiently! ★
This method, comprehensive and structured, will help both the health professionals and patients to break down the language barrier.


★ Learn medical English quickly, simply and efficiently! ★
This method, comprehensive and structured, will help both the health professionals and patients to break down the language barrier.

-. For healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, interns, caregivers ...) wishing to express themselves more easily in English (eg to support non-francophone patients to exchange with foreign colleagues, lectures, reading Articles ...)
- For students (nurses and doctors) who are preparing for English or to study / work abroad exams
- For patients who need to communicate with the caregiver body on their health or that of a close (eg during a trip.).

Using this app regularly, you will be able, in a short time, of expressing yourself in English and without spending too much time since a minimum of 10 minutes a day is enough!

This application is not a simple glossary of medical terms. It offers a real LEARNING COURSE that will allow you to master English in the world of health and medicine.

- 1 million learners worldwide use
- Based on the Spaced Repetition System for fast and durable storage
- You will get 80% of the results with 20% effort: you will not lose NO TIME

To learn more, watch the video explanation http://mosalingua.com .

- Content is fully available offline: use it wherever you are (bus, subway, tail, lunch breaks, abroad ...).
- To the list price, the application is yours forever (no additional cost)

- 3 000 phrases and words to remember which audio pronunciation was recorded by native speakers
- 11 categories (Interacting with patients, hospital, social situations, symptoms, medical examinations, and pain disorders, Diseases, Drugs, Cure patients, Anatomy, Specialization, read articles / Follow a conference ...)
- 100 individual sub-themes for targeted and comprehensive learning
- 10 dialogues showing common situations in life in hospital
- The lexicon, databases and keyword phrases to master to express yourself in English (even for beginners and false beginners)
- The specific vocabulary to know to read in English and work in an international context.
quality content that has been checked and improved by health professionals

And we will add more content in the coming free updates!

- The long-term memorization of words and phrases make you self (you will not need an interpreter or a dictionary)
- It is an effective and complete method to master spoken and written English
- The course is structured and optimized, and contains different stages of learning (listening, speaking, writing, memorizing)
- The audio pronunciation of every word and every sentence was recorded by native speakers
- You can add your own content in the application
- Several dialogues are themed practical situations of everyday life, in health structures.
- A reliable application supported by users (see notes on other app MosaLingua)
- A team that listens to you, helps you and takes your suggestions for improvement!

Are you ready to master medical English?
Download the app now to begin to learn and grow easily and quickly!

What's New:
Here's what we've been working on this summer:
Addition of lessons on French pronunciation (French application)
Many small content improvements (new recordings in French)
More than 10 annoying little bugs fixed
Improvements to some screens

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