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Post by Balatan »

This guide will explain how a request should be posted.

What do I need to post a request?
-You have to be a member of ReleaseAPK forum. Click on register on the top right-hand corner to register.

What information should I include in my request?
-The name of the software or game.
-The version of the software or game you are looking for.
-A link to software or game is nice (eg. candy crush).
-If you would like it in a language other than English please include that (if you do not include any language other than English, the request shall be taken in English).

What else?
-If you want to increase the chances of your request being filled, follow all steps above. Be specific- don't just say 'I'm looking for the best email/gps/etc.' Know exactly what you're looking for.

Please follow this format to make this website better and easier to understand.

Proper example:
Name of software: The Wall Street Journal
Version: 3.5.3
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... .reader_sp

Plus any other information can help fill your request.
Last edited by CoAdmin on Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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INFO Rule's Update, Kindly Read this Carefully.

Post by Dark❶ »

Format of Request :

In Subject : App Name Ver [Tag]

App Name should be the App's name which is in Google Play Store , but if not available then it should be what the developer has given.
Ver is The App Version which you want , it is Very Optional if it's too big.
[Tag] can be any 1 or more of the following = [Untouched] , [Free] , [Unlocked] , [Pro] , [Paid] , [Mod] , [IAP] , [Patched] , [Full] , [Premium] , [Donate] , [Subscribe] , [AD-Free] OR AnyThing But In One Word Only.

----- Following in Body of Request -----

Name of software: App Name
App Name should be the App's name which is in Google Play Store , but if not available then it should be what the developer has given.

Version: App Version
The App Version which you want.

Link: App Link
This should be the App's Google Play Store Link and without "&hl=en-US" or "&hl=en" or etc... in the end , but if not available then it should be the developer's App's website or App's download link. Also do not use Google Search Redirected links a.k.a. Dirty links Only use Direct Link.

*** Following is Optional ***

Language: Language Name
The Language Name should be the Language you want the App's UI In.
IF it is Not Specified then English will be taken as Default.

Developer's Website: Link
This is Developer's Website only if you want to give , it is Very Optional.

Download Link: Link
This is App's Download Link only if you want to give , it is Very Optional.

And AnyThing Else You want to ADD , like "what you want in/from/with the App" , Your Choice.

----- End of the Body of Request -----

This is the Format to Copy->Paste:

Code: Select all

Name of software:
Rules to be Followed :
1. All Request Must be in English.
2. Now , Underlining is Optional , But User's has the Option to Either Underline OR Bold the Title of each Detail.
3. Request Should Not be Offensive , Abusive , Obscene , Vulgar , Sexual OR Any Other Material that may Violate Any Law's of Your Country OR Law's of Country where "ReleaseAPK" is Hosted OR International law.
4. If any Request is Found that is Not in the Format as Specified Above , then that Requester will be given a Warning along with it 24 Hour's Time Period to Correct their Request.
5. IF the Requester Does Not Correct their Request in 24 Hour's Time Period after the Warning , then that Request will be Recycle Bin'ed.
6. Need to Follow Rule's from 1st & following Posts.
7. EnJoY your stay by following Rule's. :) [Yes ! This is the Easiest Rule of them All :P ]

Kindly Note There is an Example given Below this post.

Best Regards. :D
Last edited by Dark❶ on Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:21 am, edited 9 times in total.
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INFO Sample Example App [Unlocked]

Post by Dark❶ »

Name of software: Sample Example App
Version: 1.2.3
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... ple.sample

I want this Sample Example App Unlocked.

Thanks. :)
Last edited by Dark❶ on Thu Sep 07, 2017 11:29 am, edited 5 times in total.
Reason: Removed UnderLine.
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INFO Rule's Update , Only One Request in One Topic.

Post by Dark❶ »

Only One Request in One Topic :

Kindly Request Only One Software(Android Application) in One Topic.
Hence No Multiple Request's In One Topic/Post.

Exception is Only for Software(Android Application) which is an Add-On OR License Key.
That is the Software(Android Application) which Extents the Functionality of Parent Software(Android Application).
This also Include PRO/DONATE Key Software(Android Application).

Example for Exception :
Example1 wrote: "KLWP Live Wallpaper Maker" 's
Add-On :
"Kustom Unread Plugin" & "KAPK Kustom Skin Pack Maker".
Example2 wrote: "KLWP Live Wallpaper Maker" 's
PRO Key :
"KLWP Live Wallpaper Pro Key"
Last edited by Dark❶ on Thu Sep 07, 2017 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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INFO Rule's Update , Request Validity.

Post by Dark❶ »

Request Validity :

All Request that are created before 28 Day's will be Deleted ether automatically or manually.
In Other words , All Request are Only Valid for 28 Day's.

This is to Keep the Request Section Clean & Tidy , This will also Help Releaser's to Focus on the Valid Request Only.
Since Most App's get Out-Date'ed in a Month , This will Clean all Out-Date'ed Request.

Now , IF your Request is Deleted by this Cleaning Process ,
Then , you can make another Request with Latest Details.

This Rule Might be Relaxed for Any Reason.

Kindly take , Note of the Same.

Best regards :)
Last edited by Dark❶ on Sun Jul 01, 2018 8:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Update.
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