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Restore of OLD(2023-05-28) database due to Corruption

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INFO Restore of OLD(2023-05-28) database due to Corruption

Post by CoAdmin »

Hi Registered users :wave: ,

There was a bad query run which corrupted the data on whole database on 29th May 2023,
We came to know this issue way later,
Hence we were forced to restore old backup version of database dated on 28th May 2023.

We tried to restore latest data from corrupted database as much as we can with best of our ability,
BUT some of the data was lost nevertheless.

We managed to fully restore the Topics, Posts, Private Messages and Elite Subscriptions.

We lost data on & after 29th May 2023, which includes:
  • Newly registered users on & after 29th May 2023 were lost and their topics, posts & PMs
  • Users which were registered before 29th May 2023 are alright,
    but some of their data which was updated on & after 29th May 2023 were lost , like:
    • Topic/Post reaction
    • Bookmarks
    • Forum/Topic subscription
    • Topics watched/viewed/read by users
    • ...etc... (Minor, not so-important stuff, which users can redo)

Note: So users which were registered on & after 29th May 2023,
Please try to login, if you can not or it gives an error, then please re-register yourself.

Inconvenience regretted. :sob:

Regards from ReleaseAPK Team. :thumbsup:

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