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Website Ad-Free

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 1:58 pm
by CoAdmin
Dear Registered users,

Our forum ReleaseAPK has Anti-Ad-Block System.
For those Registered users who does not want to opt for Elite Subscription,
But are annoyed and hate Advertisement on ReleaseAPK,
Also who want's to support ReleaseAPK for following reasons which is mentioned by Admin :
Admin wrote: Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:50 pm Running a forum community is not free, nor is it cheap. We have put together this Subscriptions feature in order to give back to those who financially support us so we can cover the costs of our server infrastructure, forum maintenance, etc...
We are also introducing this new Subscription feature that will benefit the whole community.
Can opt for Ad-Free Subscription,
Which will Disable the Anti-Ad-Block System,
And hence support and experience Advertisement Free Website on ReleaseAPK.

To subscribe go here: ./groupsub/subs .

Regards :smiley:

Note :
Subscription once made are not refundable.
By subscribing you agree to the ReleaseAPK Terms & Conditions.
All Rights Reserved by ReleaseAPK.

Re: Website Ad-Free

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 4:03 pm
by Admin
Great to have this feature to disable ads on the board. :person_gesturing_ok_tone2:
well done.