Requirements: Varies with device
The free flight tracker that the Wall Street Journal calls “The Facebook of Aviation”.
Turn your phone or tablet into a live plane tracker and see flights around the world move in real-time on a detailed map. Or point your device at a plane to find out where it’s going and what kind of aircraft it is. Download for free today and discover why millions track flights and check their flight status with Flightradar24.
#1 Travel app in Google Play in 100+ countries.

What's New:
- Weather just got better! We've added high-resolution radar covering most of North America. We've also added a new Australian radar layer. Users with a Gold subscription can activate these new layers in the weather settings menu.
- Bug fixes
Mod Info:
Enable 95% of Business Subscription Features...
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Code: Select all
This release is not a distribution of an Apk or Apks but they are only the nullified sources. Each of you can recompile them in apk after having inserted the personal google api key business associated with a key account that is free if the data traffic does not exceed the 200mb monthly ..
a) just enter your key in: \res\values\strings.xml
b) and look here the line 1024 :
<string name="map_key">AIzaSyDlXywJh1Wj26jrdeRhTlaha1hBF1p_oLQ</string>
1) Replace this key with yours,
2) Compile apk signing it with the signature associated with your personal key...
Please Do Not Change or Remove my Nickname in the Sources!. Thank you.
My Gift for release-apk
Download Instructions:
..:: DeltaFoX ::..