Requirements: 6.0+
Overview: Projectivy Launcher is an alternative launcher for Android TV, tailored for your TVs and projectors needs : smooth, neat, customizable and bundled with unique features. It's Projectivy Tools on steroids !

- No Ads
- Shortcuts to change input source (HDMI 1/2/3, AV) and onscreen menu popup
- Auto start directly to any external input or installed app
- Parental control to prevent HDMI/app usage on certain periods of the day
- Idle detection to shutdown/standby your device
- Sleeck design : dynamic colors (à la Material You), smooth animations, random wallpaper...
- IU customization (apps hiding/reordering, custom sections, sizes, transparency, wallpaper...)
- Configure multiple display profiles and apply them on demand or when input changes
- Calibrate display with advanced settings and dedicated calibration patterns (standard, 4K, HDR, Dolby Vision, judder...)
- Ability to override stock launcher
- Zoom/Unzoom video image
- Show device details
- Shortcuts to some special engineering menus and apps, if available (ex: Mediatek, AmLogic, Xiaomi, FengOS...)
- Show mobile apps (not dedicated to Android Tv) that don't appear on stock launcher
- Force UI to 4K [ROOT]
- Freeze (disable) stock apps [ROOT]
- Freeze (disable) stock launcher to replace with another one [ROOT]
- Ability to override custom props (ie: enable adb...) [ROOT]
- Decrease Input Lag [ROOT]
What's new:
Note : as always with every new "major" update, there will be bugs. Nothing too problematic hopefully, but if you're looking for a completely stable and bug-free version, this is probably not the version you are looking for.
- Added ability to disable keypress interception from Projectivy's accessibiltiy service (might fix service getting killed by recent Google Tv updates, but will also render some features ineffective. Not tested, please report)
- Added experimental workaround for long-press volume keys support : when the on screen volume overlay is showing, key press interception gets disabled during 5s, so long-press volume will work during that period (but "home" override won't).
- Added support for animated gifs wallpapers and partial support for animated webp (not scaled or blurred)
- Added option to allow playing of the video wallpaper audio track
- Fixed video wallpaper sometimes displaying grey screen
- Added "Projectivy Wallpapers", "Projectivy Unsplash", "Projectivy TMDB", "TMDB Wallpapers" Subreddits to the Reddit wallpaper provider, thanks to the community for the submissions !
- Added ability to request another wallpaper immediately (in about/wallpaper)
- Added background picture adjustment (brightness, contrast, saturation, hue, blur, vertical/horizontal overlay length and opacity)
- Changed how update delay is handled : countdown won't be restarted when coming back to the launcher screen so it won't seem to be stuck
Cards / Categories
- Added ability to customize the app title
- Added ability to customize cards spacing
- Added ability to globally choose if you prefer icon or banner for apps
- Added ability to customize cards/category icon individually [premium only] : choose from icon pack or local image (with support for animated gif and partial support for animated webp)
- Added ability to apply icon pack to the whole launcher
- Added support for tinting the customized icons (useful if monochromatic) with custom/dynamic color
- Added ability to customize card's default background color with custom/dynamic color
- When customized background/tint color are used, added ability to swap the icon and background colors on the focused card
- Added option to choose whether or not to remember the last focused card on each row
- Added ability to hide the programs progressbar in watch next category
- Added Danish localization (thanks to Chris Power)
- Added Greek localization (thanks to Retrial)
- Added Slovak localization (thanks to xbobak)
- Added Romanian localization (thanks to traidory)
- In settings, Languages are now listed in their own language, no more try and guess selection if you ever change it by mistake
- Improved premium checks so that you don't lose premium features when Google Play Services are temporarily out of reach
- Added an "All Apps" right panel (open it from settings or direct remote control button "all apps")
- Always show the "install 3rd party apps" feature for the non-playstore Projectivy version (was previously available only if Google Play was not available)
- Install 3rd party apps now support entering a custom URL
- Added ability to disable Channels support (for people not using it) to save memory and improve startup performance
- Added ability to directly boot to screensaver on startup
- Added apps shortcuts (if available and Projectivy is the "real" launcher) in the contextual app menu (not vastly widespread, for example VLC, Just Player or Emby provide a few shortcut actions)
- Improved the parental control when app is directly launched from a remote control button (ex: Netflix) (still requires the accessibility service)
- Added ability to import settings from adb command line (either from local file or remote url)
- Fixed now playing picture not displaying for some apps
- Appearance settings now show a realtime preview of the changes
- Cards are now automatically refreshed periodically while on the launcher main screen so that live tv cards can update their content
- Added automatic refresh of apps when usb storage is (dis)connected
- Added a link to open Google Home panel on supported Google Tv devices
- Many other bugfixes and optimizations
- Import settings from adb feature : for the import validation popup to not be displayed, the uri/url should contain "unattended" as well as your Projectivy instance unique Id (can be found and changed in about/this device/ID) Use this command: adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "file:///sdcard/..../savefile.unattended.[your instance unique id].plbackup" -n com.spocky.projengmenu/.ui.launcherActivities.ImportSettingsActivity The file should be accessible by Projectivy, so you might need to push it in Projectivy's data folder first Replace the file path with the remote url if you want to import from a remote location
- Icon pack support has been tested on icon packs based on Candybar and Blueprint which seem the most popular template for icon packs. Note that these apps are not developed for Android Tv, so you'll have to sideload them. Selecting an icon should work with the remote control, but some other parts (not essential) of the app might require a mouse to navigate. Limited adjustments are required on these packs to be published on the Android Tv Play Store, opening an issue (just one, please) there to show your interest might help the developers to prioritize the work (on which I might be able to help). Icon packs based on Candybar before this PR will not return a link to the chosen icon in the icon pack, but rather expose the bitmap directly. This will lead to a few annoyances : the icon will have a slightly lower quality, it will take space on your storage, and if you export your settings, the icon will not be saved. Icon packs updated after this PR (or based on Blueprint) should work as expected regarding import/export. Sideloading an icon pack might be totally invisible to its developer, so don't forget to support the developers by donating or buying the packs on the Play Store. Icon packs only exist in standard app format (1:1), but Projectivy should theoretically be able to handle banners pack (16:9) if one is ever created. When applying a single 1:1 icon, you can choose "Crop to fill" to have the icon fill the whole banner space. No custom scaling is available to keep the scrolling and global UI experience smooth.
- Cusom card background supports opacity. If opacity is not set to the maximum, the glow/shadow effects will be disabled because they don't look good with a semi-transparent background. They will still be enabed on cards that are detected to be opaque. This detection is not perfect, though, so glow might be disabled on some cards that appear totally opaque.
- Thanks to the community for the translations, Projectivy is now available in 26 languages ! Unfortunately, this means that our translation platform is about to reach its limit for the free tier, so we might have to switch to another one in the future. A self-hosted solution like Pontoon might be a good option, but not until this issue has been fixed. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Mod Info:
● Premium Feature Unlock.
● Analytics / Crashlytics Removed / Disabled.
● Receivers, Services And Provider Removed / Disabled.
● Google Play Store Install Package Removed / Disabled.
● In-App Billing Service Removed / Disabled.
● Play Services, Transport, Firebase Properties Removed.
● All Unnecessary Garbage Folder & File Removed.
● Removed Debug Information (Source, Line, Param, Prologue, Local).
● Mod Apk Size 9.12 Mb.
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