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Anti-Virus issue False-Positive report for Modified APK.

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INFO Anti-Virus issue False-Positive report for Modified APK.

Post by Dark❶ »

We have been getting repeatedly similar reports from various Users for past few years, that :
SomeIdiot wrote:The "ABC" Anti-Virus(AV) has Detected "PQR" virus/malware/...etc... in "XYZ" Modded APK.
Now, this similar statements are :
  • True for reasons :
    1. Unknown or Un-reputed or Incredible Source like Website or Forum or Modder.
    2. Bad or Malware attacked 3rd Party Host (where APK's are stored), where the the good APK get's infected.
    3. APK is truly infected.
    If you do not trust , then do not install it.
  • False for reasons :
    1. Known or Reputed or Credible Source like Website or Forum or Modder.
    2. Good 3rd Party Host (where APK's are stored), where the the good APK is as-is & not touched by them.
    3. APK is Not infected.
    If you trust , then install it.

Now let's answer the following questions :

What is False-Positive ?
A test result which wrongly indicates that a particular condition is present.
AV Example : A file is healthy but the test result say it is infected.
Medical Example : A blood sample is healthy but the test result say it has cancer.

Now that you know "what is False-Positive" ,
Then next question arises :

Why Anti-Virus give False-Positive ?
It's simple, for following reasons :
  1. Incorrectly detected by AV.
  2. Difference in Code between Original & Modded APK.
  3. Difference in Hash between Original & Modded APK.
  4. Difference in Signature between Original & Modded APK.
  5. Developer of APK purposefully reporting Modded APK as virus to AV even though it's clean.

I personally believe & trust the Modders from Android Releasers Group,
because they are promoted to that group due to their work, reputation & credibility.
It's your's to decide & trust them to install & use their Modded APK or Not.

Happy deciding.

Best regards :+1:
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